Friday, September 24, 2010

Blog #3-The Lobotomist

I think Walter Freeman wants to help others who have mental problems but the way he goes about dealing with their problems is crazy. He wants to make a mark in history but he doesnt know how. All he cares about is fame not his patients. Freeman was able to do what he wanted with the patient without a consent form. He believed the thalamus was responsible for mental conditions therefore if he removed a part of the thalamus he thought they would be cured but they were only cured for a short amount of time. The patient become a totally different person and Freeman believed that was alright. I truely believe Freeman is a mad man. He didnt care that other doctors criticized his work he just kept doing the surgeries. What he did to those patients was disgusting and it didnt help them, it made them disabled. It surprises me that all these people went through with the surgery even though they knew the side effects. The patients were worse after the labotomy opposed to before the surgery.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blog #2

Nikki Polizzi

Behavorial Prospective- Nikki watched her friends drink, party, and hook up with other guys therefore Snooki believed that was normal.

Neuroscience Perspective- Nikki has a nerve damaged in her brain causing Nikki to rebel and do crazy things.

Psychodynamic Perspective- Snooki had an unconscience memory of her brother doing drugs growing up therefore thats why Snooki does drugs.

Cognitive Prospective- Snooki believes that by swearing a ton she will be heard and be the center of attention.

Social Cultural Perspective- When Snooki grew up she watched reality shows that showed drinking, partying, swearing, smoking, and drugs. Therefore Snooki believes that is normal behavior and she should act like the people in the TV show.

Humanistic Perspective- Snooki encourages people to be who they want to be and not let anyone else bring them down even if that means getting into fights or partying every weekend.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Psych Blog #1

Hello everyone my name is Ashley. My current passion is singing; im in choir right now and I sing every chance I get, whether it be singing in the car, performances, or just for fun. My favorite type of music to listen to is hiphop but I also like anything that has a good beat to it or just a great song. I listen to all types of music ranging from country to rock. My favorite color is blue. I am the middle child; I have one older brother and a younger sister. I have two dogs, two birds, and one hamster. My hobbies are hanging out with friends, going to the mall, shopping, movies, listening to music, singing, bowling, swimming, skating, and just having fun. After highschool I plan to attend college and get a major in pre med and minor in spanish. In college I want to study abroad in Spain for a semester. And after college I plan to work as a doctor in the neonatal unit. Right now I am working on being a CNA just to get a feel for the medical field and get more experience as well. After I accomplish my goal as a doctor and have a steady job I want to travel the world; it has always been a dream of mine.