Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Beautiful Mind

In the movie A Beautiful Mind John Nash showed maladaptive behavior by intentionally hurting himself on his window.His unjustifiable behavior was him thinking that he was apart of the government and his job was to decode messages. A disturbing behavior he exhibited was when he almost drowns his son in the bath tub. Finally an atypical behavior he portrayed throughout the film is him having delusions that everyone was out to get him.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Little Albert Questions

I think their hypothesis was supported because Little Albert had the same response to items similar to the rat such as a white rabbit and a dog. He was fearful of each of the objects. Albert's response became generalized because Albert had the same response to all objects that were white and furry. Principles of classical conditioning were used to reduce Peter's fear by pairing the feared objects with pleasant experiences such as an ice cream cone or receiving special attention.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dream interpretation

One of my reoccurring dreams is me at work. The dream interpretation said that either I am highly satisfied with my job or that I am being overworked and need to put some time aside for relaxation. I agree with this dream interpretation because I love my job but sometimes I think I do get overworked and taken advantage of at work. I feel like sometimes I tend to have more work than other employees but it doesn't bother me because I love taking care of the residents. They make my day. :) Another dream I have is about a tiger attacking me. The dream interpretation said  that I may need to take more of a leadership role or that I may have repressed feelings or emotions that I am afraid of. I also dream about my boyfriend a lot. According to the dream interpretation dreaming of my boyfriend represents how I feel about him and my relationship with him. It also may indicate that I miss his presence and having him nearby.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My personality test results


Your Results
Closed-Minded Open to New Experiences
Disorganized Conscientious
Introverted Extraverted
Disagreeable Agreeable
Calm / Relaxed Nervous / High-Strung
What aspects of personality does this tell me about?
There has been much research on how people describe others, and five major dimensions of human personality have been found. They are often referred to as the OCEAN model of personality, because of the acronym from the names of the five dimensions.
Openness to Experience/Intellect
        High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative.
         You prefer traditional and familiar experiences.     (Your percentile: 10)
        High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent.
         You tend to do things somewhat haphazardly.     (Your percentile: 25)
        High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet.
         You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone.     (Your percentile: 12)
        High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous.
         You find it easy to express irritation with others.     (Your percentile: 22)
        High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy.
         You are a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things.     (Your percentile: 90)

What do the scores tell me?
In order to provide you with a meaningful comparison, the scores you received have been converted to "percentile scores." This means that your personality score can be directly compared to another group of people who have also taken this personality test. The percentile scores show you where you score on the five personality dimensions relative to the comparison sample of other people who have taken this test on-line. In other words, your percentile scores indicate the percentage of people who score less than you on each dimension. For example, your Extraversion percentile score is 12, which means that about 12 percent of the people in our comparison sample are less extraverted than you -- in other words, you are rather introverted. Keep in mind that these percentile scores are relative to our particular sample of people. Thus, your percentile scores may differ if you were compared to another sample (e.g., elderly British people).